Host: Missouri State University -- West Plains
8:15-8:30 Introduction & Welcome
Dr. Mara Cohen Ioannides, OSA President
Representative from MSU-West Plains
8:45-9:45: Ozarks Waterways
Kincaid and Mirza: “Utilizing Next-Generation Sequencing for Bacterial Source Tracking And Pathogen Detection In Greene And Polk County Streams”
Finn: “Surface/subsurface connectivity promotes high diversity in a flashy Ozark stream”
Peters: “Dawn of the Dam: Powersite Dam and Lake Taneycomo at the Dawn of Large Dams and Reservoirs in the Ozarks”
Panel Chair: Dr. Robert T. Pavlowsky, MSU
10:00-11:10: Ozarks Ecology
Robbins: “Reforestion in the Ozarks: The Potential to Reduce and Sequester Carbon Dioxide”
Wait and Hall: “Ozark oak/hickory woodlands as a “natural environment”: management to maximize ecological function for generations”
Bartelt et al. (who is actually presenting): “Wild Grapevines of the Ozarks: Genetic Resources for Sustainable Grape Cultivation”
11:20-12:15: Ozarks Economy
Sobel and Worman: “The Industrial Ozarks: environmental and socioeconomic impacts of quarrying and lime production in northwest Greene County, Missouri, ca 1880-1930”
Bell: “Homemade Home Scrapbooks: The Idea of Modern Farm Homes and the Arkansas Ozarks, 1934-1944”
12:30-1:45: Lunch
Keynote Address: “Judge Hay and the 100 Percenters: The Untold Story of the Ozarks Origins of the Grand Ole Oprey”
Dr. Brooks Blevins, Noel Boyd Professor of History, MSU
2:00-2:45: Ozarks Music & Literature
English: “Writing the Ecology of the Ozarks”
Albin: “In the Mist: Seeing the Ozarks in Bonnie Stepenoff’s Big Spring Autumn”
Nutt: “Healing in the Ozarks: How Ozarkers Use Home Remedies and Other Medicines to Treat Illnesses”
Panel Chair: Dr. Leigh Adams, MSU-West Plains
3:00-4:15: Ozarks History
Cohen Ioannides: “A River Runs Through It: The expansion of Jews into the Ozarks”
Jones: “hia digadusi hinega: The History of Welling, Oklahoma, 1828-1945 (Cherokee Translation is “The Hills Speak”)”
Panel Chair: Dr. Jason McCollum, MSU-West Plains
4:30-4:45 Dismissal and Call for OSA 2022